Consolidated Rules

Download a complete list of rules and regulations for Coast Cottages at St. Simons.

Coast Cottages at St. Simons

2023 Revision
Saint Simons Coast Cottage Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Over the years, the Board of Directors for Saint Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc. has enacted various additional use restrictions and rules for the benefit of the neighborhood. This document consolidates those in one updated document for ease of reference. In the case of any conflict between this document and the Initial Use Restrictions and Rules contained in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Saint Simons Coast Cottages (the Covenants) and any Amendments to those Covenants, this document shall prevail.

Table of Contents

  • Community Rules
  • Contractor Rules
  • Design Guidelines
  • Ga/Fl Rental Policy
  • Landscape Standards
  • Parking Map
  • Pool Rules
  • Sign Specifications

Community Rules

1. Park your vehicles ONLY in the spaces directly in front of your cottage (see Parking
2. No parking at the pool area or in any common area.
3. For the safety and security of children, always make sure the beach gates are locked behind you.
4. Do not hang clothes or towels from balconies or porch railings.
5. Do not store bicycles, chairs or toys on porches or other areas visible from the street.
6. Boats, trailers, recreational and commercial vehicles not permitted anywhere in the
7. Pets must be kept on a leash. Owners, please pick up after your pets.
8. Use only the trash cans in front of your cottage for trash.
9. Outdoor grills are permitted at Coast Cottages only as follows:
     a. Outdoor grills must be gas, propane or electric. No charcoal grills are
permitted under any circumstances.
     b. No grills of any type are permitted on porches or balconies.
     c. Permitted outdoor grills must be permanently placed at ground level.
Grills with wheels must have wheels removed.
     d. Permitted outdoor grills must be located as far away     from the main
structure as possible, and must not otherwise pose a fire hazard.
     e. No portable gas fire pots are permitted, nor any other device or condition
that allows an uncontained open flame.
10. Private events are not permitted in the pool & pavilion area. these areas must be kept
available for all owners and guests at all times.
11. Please observe all posted pool rules.
12. No excessive noise please. Quiet time is from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Our neighborhood is made up of permanent residents, part-time residents, and
vacationers. Compliance with the above rules will assure an enjoyable seaside
experience for everyone.  

Contractor Rules

The following rules are promulgated under the authority provided in Article 10.2 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Coast Cottages at Saint Simons (the Covenants). They are provided so that owners and their contractors, service providers and agents may perform work at Coast Cottages while at the same time, respecting the rights of other owners and guests to use and enjoy their property. These rules apply to anyone engaged for work within the Coast Cottages neighborhood or within its units, including but not limited to contractors, sub-contractors, and periodic service providers
such as cleaning companies, yard work services, rental agents, real estate agents, pest control providers, movers, delivery services, etc., and all their employees (all herein referred to as “Contractors”).

  1. No Contractor may perform work anywhere within the Coast Cottages subdivision (the Properties) unless they are in good standing with the Board of Directors for the Saint Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc. (the Board), regardless of the nature of their work. Contractors are considered in good standing unless they have been otherwise notified by the Board, or the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), subject to notice and hearing procedures contained in the community by-laws.
  2. In addition to the requirements herein, Contractors shall comply with all licensing, permitting and any other requirements of Glynn County, the State of Georgia, and the United States in performing their work.
  3. Consistent with Article 9 of the Covenants and the Design Guidelines, no exterior alteration of existing improvements, including planting or major removal of landscaping materials shall take place except upon approval of the ARC and in compliance with Article 9 of the Covenants and the Design Guidelines. Owners are responsible for obtaining these documents from the Secretary and advising Contractors of their content. In no event shall aesthetic approval be required for any work unless the work modifies the previously approved aesthetics of the property
    when viewed from the exterior of the property.
  4. No significant work may commence on the exterior or interior of any structure unless the Owner has submitted to the ARC a completed and signed Application for Work Permit with required attachments, and the Application has been approved by the ARC. The Work Permit requirement also applies to new or major replacement landscape installations, but not routine yard maintenance. (See Exhibit A for Application for Work Permit).
  5. Any exterior or interior work that is started and completed within 48 hours is exempt from the Work Permit requirement, but may still require ARC exterior design approval.
    1. Example 1: Changing a paint color, planting a new tree, adding exterior shutters, or anything else that changes the appearance of the exterior premises always requires ARC approval. However, they only require a Work Permit if they cannot be started and completed within 48 hours.
    2. Example 2: Re-painting the porch the same exact color, routine yard maintenance, or pressure washing the house do not require ARC approval. However, a Work Permit will be required if the work cannot be started and completed within 48 hours.
  6. Owners who fail to enforce these rules on their Contractors are subject to the remedies provided in Section 4.3 of the Covenants. Owners may be levied fines up to $100 per day, or up to $100 per incident, for repeated rule violations by their contractor(s). Owners are encouraged to include language in their contractor agreements that allows them to pass any such fines along to the Contractor.
    Contractors who violate any of the rules contained herein may be excluded from the Properties, subject to the notice and hearing procedures contained in the community by-laws.
  7. Contractors who violate any of the rules contained herein may be excluded from the Properties, subject to the notice and hearing procedures contained in the community by-laws.
  8. Anyone performing work at Coast Cottages must adhere to the following:    
  • a.  Parking is limited and only permitted in the designated parking spaces assigned to and contained within the lot lines of the Unit where work is being performed, or at a nearby property with advance written permission from the nearby property owner.
  • b.  Parking is never permitted on the street known as Coast Cottage Lane nor in any common areas of the Properties.
  • c.  No work equipment or supplies (i.e., sawhorses, painting equipment, ladders, lumber, etc.) are permitted on the street known as Coast Cottage Lane nor in any of the common areas of the Properties. 
  • d.  All work activity and permitted equipment must be contained within the lot lines of the unit where work is authorized. Unless approved in writing in advance by the adjacent property owner, no trespassing is permitted on adjacent properties nor is the use of utilities such as electrical power, water, etc. permitted to be utilized from adjacent properties.
  • e.  Major exterior or interior work is encouraged (but not required) during the off-season between Labor Day in the Fall and Memorial Day in the Spring.
  • f.  Exterior work and interior work that creates noise audible to an adjacent property is permitted only between 8 am and 6 pm Monday through Saturday, 9am and 5pm Sunday. 
    1.      No exterior work is permitted on:
      1. Saturday, Sunday and Monday of 3-day holiday weekends (defined as a holiday when the post office is closed on Monday)
      2. Saturday and Sunday of GA/FL weekend
      3. Thursday through Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend
      4. Easter, 4th of July, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day
  • g.  Loud conversation and shouting are not permitted except to warn someone of imminent danger. Profanity is not permitted. Radios are not permitted except if listened to on headphones. Noise related to the work and workers must be kept at a minimum at all times.
  • h.  Disrespectful behavior by Contractors and their employees will not be tolerated. No cat calls, whistles, or other actions that may make residents or guests of Coast Cottages uncomfortable are permitted.
  • i.  The job site must be kept neat.  Trash and litter must be disposed of in proper containers. Small items such as cigarette butts and nails are considered litter. The job site must be cleaned at the end of each workday, with all material and permitted equipment secured. Contractors and employees must also be especially respectful of adjacent properties with respect to trash and litter.
  • j.  No smoking is permitted in the neighborhood, unless butts are completely extinguished in a fire-proof container and disposed of properly. Due to the proximity of the homes, extra care must be taken to avoid fire hazards.
  • k.  No open fires area allowed at any time.
  • l.  Dumpsters may not be permitted to overflow. Any material protruding from or above the edge of the dumpster requires that the dumpster be emptied. Removal from the job of dumpsters at the end of any work or work phases must be done in a timely manner. Dumpsters are not permitted to sit on job sites unused for prolonged periods of time. Dumpsters may not protrude into the street or across the property line.
  • m.  Materials, etc. placed in dumpsters may not emit unpleasant odors. Food must be disposed of in trash cans with animal-proof lids within the confines of the lot lines of the unit. Trash cans on adjacent properties may not be used for any purpose.
  • n.  Safe work habits and conditions must be maintained at all times as required by law.
  • o.  Contractors applying for a Work Permit must provide proof of liability insurance and workers compensation insurance if workers compensation insurance is required by law. Saint Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc. must be named as “additional insured” on the policies.
  • p.  Pneumatic lift equipment that emit loud motor or beeping noises are not permitted for continuous use anywhere in the Coast Cottage neighborhood. Genie Towable Boom Lifts are permitted for continuous use, provided they do not encroach in any way on neighboring property (unless approved in writing in advance by the neighboring property owner) or on Coast Cottage Lane. Contractors are encouraged to use scaffolding and ladders for continuous use purposes. Short term limited use of traditional pneumatic lifts for lifting furniture over balconies, trimming trees, or other short term uses may be approved if:
    1. a request is submitted for approval at least 24 hours in advance         
    2. use is limited to a single ten hour period 
    3. the equipment is removed promptly at the end of the approved period
    4. the equipment at no time blocks any street or common area
    5. no residual tire marks, oil drips, or any other damage remain on any Coast Cottage property twenty-four hours after the damage occurs.
  • q.  Owners and Contractors are responsible for any damage caused by any associated vehicle or equipment to the street known as Coast Cottage Lane, the common areas, fencing, lighting or signage within the Properties, or any adjacent property. 
  • r.  Contractors and their employees may not use the pools, community restrooms, beach walkways, pavilion, or any other common area.
  • s.  Contractors are prohibited from using alcohol on the Properties. Any illegal activity, including illegal drug use, is subject to immediate expulsion from the Properties.
  • t.  Due to the close proximity of homes and vehicles, painters may not use spray devices to paint exterior structures.
  • u.  Port-o-lets are prohibited unless located inside the fence line of the subject property. If used, port-o-lets may not emit any odor detectable from the adjacent property. Contractors are encouraged to use either (1) the facilities at the cottage where they are working with owner permission, or (2) the public facilities located at the Coast Guard public beach access nearby. Contractors are prohibited from using the neighborhood facilities at the Coast Cottages pool area.




Mailing Address

Best Contact Phone #

Email Address

Cottage #  

Cottage Name 

I have read and hereby agree to abide by and enforce the Contractor Rules for Coast Cottages

Owner’s Signature X


 (fill one out for each contractor and subcontractor to be used on the job)

Name of Firm

Name of Firm Owner

Mailing Address

Email Address

Best Contact Phone #

Liability Insurance Carrier (Maximum Limits)

Note: Attach Certificate of Liability Insurance
I have read and hereby agree to abide by the Contractor Rules for Coast Cottages and enforce those rules upon all employees and sub-contractors. I understand that my right to perform work at Coast Cottages is subject to review and approval by Saint Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Contractor’s Signature X

WORK TO BE PERFORMED Description of Work Estimated Start Date Estimated Completion Date

Design Guidelines

DESIGN GUIDELINES – Coast Cottages at St Simons

Updated June 2020


1.      Row houses–either attached or detached

2.      Maximum building height 45 ft. from average grade of lots for Lots 1 through 44; all other lots 45′ from flood plain.

3.      Maximum 4 habitable floors

4.      Side yards 7 ft. for detached rowhouses.

5.      Rear yard 6 ft. (except lots 34-42 in Phase III, 10 ft.)

6.      Front yards 20 ft.

7.      Buildings must affront a county standard street

8.      Off-street parking 2 spaces per unit minimum

9.      Minimum lot width 36 ft. for detached rowhouses, 20 ft for attached rowhouses.

10.   Minimum lot area 2,000 sf.



1.      Brick paved streets except county owned streets

2.      Curbs and drainage inlets

3.      Loose shell paved parking confined in borders

4.      Indigenous plantings only as further defined in Landscape Standards revised July 1, 2012 or as later revised.

5.      No lawns

6.      Picket fences individually designed required on “fence line”. No enclosed fencing except for designated trash area.  No dog pens or dog runs.

7.      Designated trash area contained by picket fence.

8.      Gang mailboxes only.  No individual mail boxes or newspaper boxes

9.      Removal of healthy trees must be approved in advance in writing.

10.   Varied roof heights encouraged for over-roof views

11.   Maximum lot size 3,600 st except lots 7, 8, 16, 24, 43 and 44

12.   Individual houses or rowhouses on individual lots.

13.   No lots may be combined

14.   No parking under structures.  No garages or carports

15.   Walkways must be natural pressure treated pine construction or as permitted in Landscape Standards revised July 1, 2012, or as later revised.


1.      Sloped natural galvalume roofs

2.      Porches required as entrances

3.      Exterior wood casing materials to be minimum 5 ½” wide.

4.      Piling construction only

5.      Crawl space construction only

6.      Wood siding or shingles only. Hardi-plank (or comparable fiber cement siding material) may be used if smooth (with no grain) and painted.  A painted sample must be submitted for approval prior to installation.

7.      Square to vertical opening proportions.  No horizontal window proportions.

8.      Exterior doors to be solid wood construction, simple styles.  No excessive ornamentation.

9.      Trim must show a minimum ¼” reveal versus siding.

10.   Paint color palette consistent with Coast Cottage colors constructed.  White trim only.

11.   Min 12’ of structure building to be constructed on the 20 ft front yard build-to line.

12.   Rafter tails must be exposed.

13.   Exterior lighting for dwellings and landscaping shall be white in color, with a color temperature of no more than 3000 degrees Kelvin.

14.   Exterior columns shall be wood or an approved synthetic.

15.   Shutters shall be operable.

16.   Screens on porches to be house side of columns and railings. No screened porches above first floor.

17.   Porches may not be glassed on street side of house.

18.   Maximum roof heights indicated on site plan

19.   Storage units in crawl space to be hidden from street view.  Crawl space must allow water and sand to pass through and comply with FEMA flood zone requirements.

20.   Outdoor recreational structures and equipment not permitted.  Outdoor spas permitted in contained within the building footprint and completely hidden from street view.

21.   Phase III units 34-44 subject to modified view easements per attached.

22.   Phase III units 34-42 shall have backs of houses with porch entries and shall be detailed in a matter consistent with the fronts.

23.   These Design Guidelines are supplemental and in addition to the Architectural Standards and all other restrictions contained in the Covenants and other governing documents.

24.   All plans must be approved in writing.  Any portion of a plan that does not conform to the Covenants and the Design Guidelines is not approved unless proposed variance is submitted and approved separately in writing.


25.   Any variance to local ordinances or regulations are subject to prior approval or denial by the Board of Directors or Architectural Review Committee.

GA/FL Rental Policy

Paid rentals are prohibited from Thursday night through Saturday night of the game weekend.

This policy results from a prior history of damage, dangerous activity, and abuse at various cottages and at the Coast Cottages pools and common area during this event. In the past, the board has made limited exceptions on a case by case basis for monthly rentals, and only when it was demonstrated that the tenants had no association whatsoever with the game. If you have a situation like this, please contact the neighborhood manager who will submit your request to the Board.

SPECIAL NOTE: a weekly rental that overlaps GA/FL weekend does not qualify for an exception.

Landscape Standards

Revision February 4, 2025

The following Landscape Standards are adopted by the SSCCNA Board of Directors as part of the Neighborhood-Wide Standard in compliance with the governing documents for Saint Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc.

  1. Indigenous species are encouraged as a foundation for landscaping, but non￾indigenous species may also be used for added interest and beauty.
  2. No grass lawns are permitted.
  3. Natural mulch shall cover any unplanted yard area not used for parking or walkways. Mulch should be refreshed periodically to maintain freshness, color and fire retardant properties.

Effective June 1, 2025, the use of common pine straw shall be prohibited due to its high combustibility during dry periods.

The Association recommends using the least combustible natural mulch available, such as wood chips or, especially, composted wood chips.

For information on the combustibility of various mulches, see

  1. Bushes shall be trimmed periodically to control excess growth and enhance beauty.
  1. Palm trees shall be trimmed to remove dead, dying or drooping fronds. Berry pods shall be removed to help control raccoons, rats and other unwanted animals.
  1. Other trees shall be pruned according to common tree care practices for health and beauty. Tree branches should not touch any structure.
  1. Parking areas shall be crushed shell. Shell material will be supplied and refreshed periodically by the neighborhood association for uniformity.
  1. Walkways shall be natural pressure treated wood, approved synthetic wood, natural stone, natural patio stone, unpainted brick, crushed stone, or crushed shell. No concrete walkways are permitted.

If an approved synthetic wood material is used for walkways, the following brands and colors are pre-approved:

  1. a) Trex Transcend Gravel Path
  2. b) Timbertech Reliaboard Grey
  3. c) Veranda Slate Grey

Other brands may be submitted to the ARC for consideration.

Parking Maps

Coast Cottages at St. Simons Map

Pool Rules

1.The pool is restricted for use by the owners and renters of Coast Cottages and The Villas. Any guests of the owners or renters must be accompanied by that owner or renter.

2.No parking of vehicles at the pools

3.No pets are allowed in the pool areas EXCEPT to pass through to get to the beach and back.

4.Towels, robes, etc. should not be hung on the fences.

5.All gates are to be kept closed and locked except for entering and leaving–the gates should not be propped open.

6.All children under the age of 16 should have a parent or responsible adult on the premises of Coast Cottages or The Villas. Any child under the age of 10 and any child who does not know how to swim must

have a parent or responsible adult present at the pools with that child.

7.The code for the gates is not to be given out except to those persons authorized to use the pools.

8.Pool furniture should not be removed from the fenced pool areas.

9.Glass containers are not allowed at the pools.

10.Water toys and floats should be kept at a minimum in order for all swimmers to enjoy using the pools.

11.No diving.

12.Each swimmer is responsible for his/her own safety. There is no lifeguard at the pools.

13.Private parties are not allowed at the pools and pavilion. This area must be available for all authorized persons to use at all times.

14.Swimmers are required to follow Georgia law regarding use of the pools. The provisions of the law are posted at the pool area.

15.At times, there is a “pool host” or “pool hostess” present at the pools. These individuals are not lifeguards. These individuals have the St. Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association, Inc.’s authority to monitor who is using the pools.

Sign Specifications

Sign specifications and approvals shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Architectural Review Committee, subject to overall approval by the Board of Directors (together, the Association). All signs shall be kept in a condition consistent with the neighborhood standard, and may not be allowed to become rusty, dilapidated, or otherwise fall into disrepair.


Real estate firms may display signs advertising units for sale and/or for rent, subject to the following:

  • Signs may be mounted only on fences unless otherwise approved by ARC.
  • Signs shall be made of wood or PVC material with scalloped corners.
  • Sign dimensions must be either 4” tall x 24 wide” or 8” tall x 24 wide”,   plus or minus 10%
  • Multiple signs may be butted together along the horizontal dimension to form a taller sign, but in no event may the resultant height exceed 16” or the width exceed 24”, plus or minus 10%
  • Real estate signs shall have a white border, teal (Pantone 322C) background, and yellow (Pantone 109C) print as shown below.
  • Type font shall be Bodini BT Roman, lower case. Caps may be used in website addresses for clarity.
  • Signs in place prior to the Association approval of these specifications are exempt from strict enforcement of the color and type font requirements, provided any replacement signs comply with those requirements.
  • Company names printed in the approved color and type fonts are permitted on real estate signs, but company logos are not permitted.
Approved Sign
Not Approved Sign
Not Approved



Cottage Identification signs are supplied by the Association and of standard design as determined from time to time by the Association. The cottage names may be chosen by the owner, and shall be derived from the names of ships that have docked at the Port of Brunswick at one time or another in its history. A convenient list of such ship names can be found on the web at:

All cottage names are subject to final approval by the Association.


No other signs shall be permitted in the neighborhood unless approved by the Association