
Parking Map

Coast Cottages is a unique community. We have a mixture of permanent residents, vacationers, and guests of owners enjoying its many amenities.  In order to help to make everyone’s time at Coast Cottages as pleasant and carefree as possible, the Board of Directors has implemented a parking plan.

Each cottage has been assigned its own parking spaces. Owners, guests, and renters are required to use only those assigned spaces. Parking passes must be displayed at all times.

The site map at left shows the number and configuration for parking at each cottage. If you are planning to rent a cottage, please consider the number of parking spaces you will need when deciding which cottage to rent.

Overflow parking space may be available along the grassy area of Wood Avenue, just outside the Coast Cottage Lane entrance. Overflow is also available along the grassy area of Clover Marsh Lane.

If you encounter a parking problem at your cottage, please contact your rental management company.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope you enjoy your stay at Coast Cottages.